Corrosion Coupon Analysis

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Individual Pre-paid coupon analysis is no longer available as a web purchase. Please send your coupons in with the submission form below. You will be billed once the coupons are received by the lab.

submission form

Please mail in your coupons to:

Attn: Lab

2429 Dickerson Pkwy

Carrollton, TX 75006

Once coupons have been exposed in your system for the determined period of time, send them back to Pacific Sensor and let us do the weight loss analysis for you. We provide you with an ISO 17025 report with mils per year (MPY) corrosion rates for each coupon location.

Additional options include:

  • High definition pre and post cleaning photos

  • Pit depth measurements - Range: 25-110 Microns

  • Microscopic photos of pitting

  • Pre-cleaning weight

  • Return shipping of analyzed coupons.


  • Standard corrosion coupon analysis - $8.50 per coupon

  • Standard analysis with pre & post cleaning photos - $16.50 per coupon

  • Standard Analysis with pit depth measurements - $13.00

  • Deluxe Analysis (Includes standard analysis, pre & post cleaning coupon photos & pit depth measurements) - $21.00 per coupon

  • For any additional services - Please contact us.

Please use our Corrosion Coupon Analysis Submittal Form when sending in coupons for analysis.

Add To Cart

Individual Pre-paid coupon analysis is no longer available as a web purchase. Please send your coupons in with the submission form below. You will be billed once the coupons are received by the lab.

submission form

Please mail in your coupons to:

Attn: Lab

2429 Dickerson Pkwy

Carrollton, TX 75006

Once coupons have been exposed in your system for the determined period of time, send them back to Pacific Sensor and let us do the weight loss analysis for you. We provide you with an ISO 17025 report with mils per year (MPY) corrosion rates for each coupon location.

Additional options include:

  • High definition pre and post cleaning photos

  • Pit depth measurements - Range: 25-110 Microns

  • Microscopic photos of pitting

  • Pre-cleaning weight

  • Return shipping of analyzed coupons.


  • Standard corrosion coupon analysis - $8.50 per coupon

  • Standard analysis with pre & post cleaning photos - $16.50 per coupon

  • Standard Analysis with pit depth measurements - $13.00

  • Deluxe Analysis (Includes standard analysis, pre & post cleaning coupon photos & pit depth measurements) - $21.00 per coupon

  • For any additional services - Please contact us.

Please use our Corrosion Coupon Analysis Submittal Form when sending in coupons for analysis.

Individual Pre-paid coupon analysis is no longer available as a web purchase. Please send your coupons in with the submission form below. You will be billed once the coupons are received by the lab.

submission form

Please mail in your coupons to:

Attn: Lab

2429 Dickerson Pkwy

Carrollton, TX 75006

Once coupons have been exposed in your system for the determined period of time, send them back to Pacific Sensor and let us do the weight loss analysis for you. We provide you with an ISO 17025 report with mils per year (MPY) corrosion rates for each coupon location.

Additional options include:

  • High definition pre and post cleaning photos

  • Pit depth measurements - Range: 25-110 Microns

  • Microscopic photos of pitting

  • Pre-cleaning weight

  • Return shipping of analyzed coupons.


  • Standard corrosion coupon analysis - $8.50 per coupon

  • Standard analysis with pre & post cleaning photos - $16.50 per coupon

  • Standard Analysis with pit depth measurements - $13.00

  • Deluxe Analysis (Includes standard analysis, pre & post cleaning coupon photos & pit depth measurements) - $21.00 per coupon

  • For any additional services - Please contact us.

Please use our Corrosion Coupon Analysis Submittal Form when sending in coupons for analysis.

Please use our Corrosion Coupon Analysis Submittal Form when sending in coupons for analysis.

Please take the time to ensure that the initial coupon weights, exposure dates, and locations are recorded for each coupon. This information can be recorded on the front of the VCI envelope and submitted in the form of the Coupon Analysis Document when mailing in your coupons.

Coupon Analysis is held in adherence to ASTM G1 Standards for cleaning and analyzing coupons.

Optional services include: custom reports, chemical cleaning of coupons, and microscopic photos of pits. If you would like to add these additional options to your order, please contact us.

After submitting your order, please mail in your coupons to:

Pacific Sensor 2429 Dickerson Pkwy, Carrollton, Texas 75006.

Once coupons are received, analysis takes between 1-5* business days, depending on current volume, for results to be sent.

If you would like you samples returned to you after completion of analysis. Please contact us. All other samples are held for 3 months post competition.

Nickel 200 - Standard Water Treatment Corrosion Coupon
from $17.15
CDA110 Copper - Standard Water Treatment Corrosion Coupon
from $8.25
304/304L Stainless Steel - Standard Water Treatment Corrosion Coupon
from $9.65
Passivated 1010 Carbon Steel - Standard Water Treatment Corrosion Coupon - 10 Pack
from $87.50
Biofilm Mesh Coupon